README FILE OO TOOL Release 1.03 (ShareWare distribution) --------------------------------------------- Tanks for choosing the Object Oriented Analysis Documentation Tool. Read the Help file on how to obtain a licence. Manifest -------- OOAHELP HLP WinHelp file OOA EXE executable file READMEOO TXT Installation ------------ 1. Copy the OOAHELP.HLP file to a the \windows directory. Copy the OOA.EXE file to any directory 2. Start windows, assign ooa.exe to a program group by choosing the menu: FILE, NEW, , , That's all! You can now click on OO-Tool's icon to run the program. If you are upgrading: you don't need perform the step 2 (but you can...). Select HELP via menu in the OO Tool for an introduction, and other information. Roman Zielinski (the author)